
Tattoo machine Critical Torque 3.5 mm

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Manufacturer: Critical Tattoo
Code: 9693-9231
46 158.0 грн

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Description Tattoo machine Critical Torque 3.5 mm open

The Critical Torque Cordless Tattoo Machine features industry-first Precision Strike technology for a smoother, faster and more efficient tattoo application. Featuring a large, intuitive 1.5-inch color display, the multi-function battery packs a host of features, including a timer function to help you keep track of your session time. The engine design increases rigidity and provides more torque and power.
Powerful custom brushless motor.
More durable and consistent needle strike.
Innovative stabilization system.
Precision strike technology.
Vibration suppression solution.
The longest lasting battery on the market.
Advanced LED interface on battery.
Bluetooth 5.0.
Compatible with Critical Connect footswitch.
The needle stroke is 3.5 mm.
A USB charging cord is included in the package,
Main parameters:
Battery + Pen Machine - 4.8 oz.
34mm Handle - 1.4 oz.
40mm Handle - 2.4 oz.
+V3 battery +34 mm handle.
Manufacturer: Critical (USA).

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