
Pigment Leader by Druzhinina Virginity

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Manufacturer: Leader By Druzhinina
Code: 7649-2685
2 300.0 грн

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Description Pigment Leader by Druzhinina Virginity open

"Nezaymanist" - A rich shade of sprayed rose. On lips with a natural neutral shade, the result will be as natural as possible, on cold lips it will work well in a mix with pigment 10.2.

Lider is a high-quality product for permanent makeup. Adapted for work on the face, has a good residue with a gradual exit.
When working with the leader, the color lasts up to three years! The paint has been certified and its safety has been confirmed.

The pigments include inorganic and organic substances on a water-alcohol basis.
The entire palette of Lider pigments can be used both independently and in the form of mixes.
In both cases, the result will be equally juicy, rich, neat.

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