A vital hand mask for luxurious home spa treatments that renews, soothes and soothes dry hands.
Rich in collagen, keratin and lotus extract, which leaves the skin soft and smooth.
The mask softens and tones the skin, soothes dry skin, and regulates hydrobalance. Afterwards, the vicor stimulates regeneration processes, and also makes the skin smoother.
Collagen in stock is a vital component, deeply nourishes the skin, and saves excess moisture.
Lotus extract enhances the drying function, has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Keratin prevents dryness and tightness, leaving the skin soft and oxamite-like.
Recommendations for drying:
Wash your hands carefully and dry them thoroughly to remove the stain.
Place a chewing mitten on your hand and bend over so that there is a clearing in the middle.
After 15–20 minutes, remove the gloves and massage your hands until the skin is completely washed.
Universal size