
Shaving preparation Taupe NIKK MOLE

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Manufacturer: NIKK MOLE
Code: 10255-6178
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182.0 грн

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Description Shaving preparation Taupe NIKK MOLE open

Nikk Mole eyebrow dye with keratin and hyaluronic acid is created for professionals striving for perfection. The innovative formula of the product is designed not only for coloring, but also for eyebrow care. Thanks to hyaluronic acid and keratin, harmful effects are completely eliminated, the skin and eyebrow hairs look healthy and well-groomed.
The result of tinting your eyebrows with Nikk Mole is always a uniform and rich color. Depending on the duration of staining, its intensity depends. If you want to get a light, delicate shade, apply the dye for 5 minutes. If you need to get a tattoo effect - for 10-15 minutes. Nikk Mole eyebrow dye does not change its color during the dyeing process, so you are guaranteed to get exactly the shade you chose.

Taupe eyebrow dye has a translucent taupe tint on the skin and light brown on the hair. Suitable for coloring the eyebrows of blondes and fair-haired girls who do not want a rich, bright color.
Suitable for use in pure form or for mixing w

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